Last week I attended an all-school high school reunion in my home town. It was a great idea not only to see old friends in my class, but in other classes as well. My family took the opportunity to make it a family reunion so four of our five siblings attended and enjoyed each other while sharing time with each of our friends. There was a small parade of homecoming kings and queens of years ago and teachers to remember. Our old high school has been converted into a senior living center with classrooms made into apartments. What a wonderful way to allow people to appreciate its historic charm while keeping it useful today. It was wonderful to tour the facility and see the residents continuing to enjoy it.

The weekend reminded me that the more things change, the more they stay the same. I discussed with a few friends how easy it is to transport yourself back to that high school geek, football hero, class clown, insecure teen personality. We are who we expect ourselves to be and yet the others just want to see us and be there in the moment. As we all had changed, we were still the midwestern small town people with good solid values who had lived our lives by raising our children and working at whatever needed to be done.

In changing times as these, I think support is everything. When life seems tough, you especially need support–people who will be there for you no matter what to help you, cajole you, love you, and kick you in the pants if needed. No matter what age or income bracket you are in, it seems the measure of your comfort is the depth of your support. However, they say you have to give in order to get, so who are you supporting with friendship, mentoring, and encouragement? By focusing on supporting others, we end up with a greater support for ourselves.